Following this great discussion on is inspiring and encouraging. There is much to be gained by the current economic climate, both from the business sense and from the personal sense. How we view our futures and how we proceed to achieve that.

My point is that we need to appreciate and nurture the assets that we have both personal and physical and recognise the excess that can be helpful to others. This applies to all areas of our lives. Reconnect with your network, build bridges to help others do the same. Appreciate and learn more about that which we have instead of focusing on what will be. Live in the present for a moment and enjoy it. Built healthy habits that will continue when the lean times are over.
Simple things: don't spend what you don't have, don't buy what you don't need, give away what you don't use to someone who needs it. All of these apply in both the physical and metaphorical sense. I look at this downturn as a gift that has helped me recognise how fortunate and rich I am. I have a wealth of wonderful people in my life, a roof over my head and health. My goal now is to nurture all these things to feel success. I will continue to dream, but not live in the dreams so that I lose appreciation the process of achieving them.
yeah! its much better,